Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Prayer based on John 17

Meditation on John 17

Lord Jesus, Heavenly Father, and Holy Spirit; the one true triune God give eternal life to our children and grandchildren.  Make of them true believers and regenerated in their deepest hearts.  Fully convert them to the truth of the gospel.  Please, we beg you, save your covenant children.

Lord, convert us as well in truth.  Help us lay aside the "faith games" we make up in our heads and the church routine that takes up a little of our time.

Instead, we want to personally and really have a deep relationship with you.  We want to know you Triune God through the sacrifice and resurrection of the Messiah Jesus who accomplished the work of salvation.  Let all the world see clearly the wonder and awe of the great compassion, grace, and courage of the Messiah Jesus.  LORD JESUS, may you be exalted in all the earth.

LORD JESUS,  you have taken us out of our rebellious and unbelieving culture and separated us to WORD.  We are now defined not by the lies of the doubt but by the TRUTH of the faith.   Help us remember who we are and who you have made us.

Great High Priest Jesus, remember your people in prayer this day.  Keep us from the lies of the world, the attitude of rebellion, and the insanity of self-righteousness.  Pour out the COMFORTER and COUNSELOR upon us in renewed power and presence.  Revive us this day.  Guard us against the plots and plans of the devil today.

Master Jesus, set up apart in your TRUTH.  Send us now out to the world who needs TRUTH, not in pride and self-righteousness,but in humble love.

Great Savior and Lord, to our shame we have become divided with every wind of doctrine.  Your sheep are scattered due to our not listening to your voice.  Now, manifest the oneness you have created in us and allow us to manifest this unity of truth and love so that the nations might believe that YOU, LORD JESUS,  was sent from the FATHER to be the anointed Savior, King, and Hope.

Holy Spirit you have baptized us into the LORD Jesus.  We are in HIM and HE is in us.  This union and communion now exist so allow this deep spiritual unity manifest itself.  Bring your people to full spiritual maturity.  Fill us with YOUR divine love that we might shine as your LIGHT AND LOVE in this generation.

Lord may your prayer be fully completed in our lives and in the lives of our children in this generation.  LORD, be glorified by pouring out your mercy and grace in this time.  Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy.  Amen

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