Living Lord of all creation, maker of all things, source of life, eternal living truth, lover of souls, Judge of all the earth, and the One and Only Savior, hear now our prayer to YOU in your grace, mercy, and compassion according to your promises in the gospel of peace.
We confess that we have fallen far short of our potential to love YOU and others. Our actions have been all too often short-sighted, self-centered, and filled with self-righteousness. We have abuse others that we might have power and control over them to feel secure and feed our pride.
Lord, on the basis of your perfect suffering for our sins on the cross, now forgive us these immoral attitudes and actions. Cleanse us of our deep darkness. Take from us the heart of stone and put into us a sensitive conscience and awakened soul. Renew, revive and restore us to being sane, stable, and spiritual so that we might glorify you, be in a state of inner health, and be equipped to actually help others as well this day.
Durning these holy days set apart to remember your provision of salvation and great love for us by leaving heaven to come to earth as in Messiah Jesus awaken our vision of your LOVE that we might have love for you. Help us not be drowned in the hurry and stress of our culture and instead find a place to separate ourselves to seeking you and opening our hearts to you.
Let us know your joy by reflecting upon your love for us.
Good Shephard, lead us through these days and comfort us in our sorrow over things we have lost and provide for us fresh vision about things we should strive to gain for your glory. Lord fill us now with your Spirit because we can do nothing without you.
Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen
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