Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see you as you are in your glory. Help me see you are the ultimate revelation in the flesh of God. YOU are the extreme manifestation of the invisible God and the Creator ruler of every atom of the universe. You are God the Son become the Son of God. Everything that exists has been made by you and for you.
Lord Jesus, you are the supreme authority and lover of your chosen people. YOU have created the Church. We are your body and YOU are our head. YOU should always come first in our individual lives and in our community life. In you, LORD Jesus all the fullness and awe of the Triune God dwells.
By your sacrifice and suffering upon the cross, you have brought back your creation from the curse of the rebellion to the blessing of salvation. YOU have granted your people true peace and shalom with God. YOU are our peace. Thank you, Lord, for reconciling us and redeeming us.
Lord, you have saved us from the old life of rebellion, darkness, and living selfish lives devoid of true love, to now be separated from the unbelieving culture around us and to live in a way that is worthy of such great sacrificial love. Help us to believe and keep on believing, being stable and steadfast in our relationship with you. Allow us to place our full hope in your gospel to transform us and the world.
Keep us from making other people or things into idols and shifting our trust from YOU to others. Save us from idolatry in which we value something or someone in the creation more that we value YOU.
Lord Jesus, let us see you more clearly, that we might love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen
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