Friday, April 8, 2016

Meditation and prayer based on Luke 2

Meditation on Luke 2

Lord, sometimes you are working in the middle of inconvenient and stressful times. Joseph and Mary had to move during her pregnancy because of tax laws. Not a good time and taxes are never fun. Yet, you used all that to move them to be in Bethlehem for YOUR birth. It is interesting that even when people have a revelation like they did with angels and all, you move them using normal providence most of the time. 

LORD, you called upon the shepherds, caring for the sheep destined to be sacrificed in the temple to come to be witnesses of your arrival into the word. The incarnation and coming of the GREAT SHEPHERD, would be witnessed by shepherds. LORD, let your great peace be upon us as we think about the wonder of your coming in the flesh for us. 

Lord, let the revelation of your coming lead us to witness, worship, and wonder. Open our hearts so that we will not be cold to the good news of your love for us. Let our familiarity of your revelation lead us to indifference towards this revelation. 

LORD, let us have the focus of our life to be seeing you more clearly before we die. Open our eyes to the wonder of your great love and truth found in YOUR leaving heaven and coming to earth to save us. Move us to see this wonder anew. 

Lord, reveal our thoughts to us and grant repentance where these thoughts are not your thoughts. Help us be prepared for some of the insights into our souls to be painful. Prepare us for the difficult times that a life of pain will bring to us. Lord help us now to be ready to follow you during hard times. 

Lord, give to me the focus of worship, fast pray more and more Give to me a seeking heart. Help me understand the need of really seeking you with passion and diligence. Lord have mercy. 

Lord Jesus, even as a child you were seeking always to be about the business of the kingdom. Your vision was clear. You're calling absolute. 

Help me to grow in grace day by day. 

LORD, renew my wonder and awe of your love. Help me see you more clearly today, love you more dearly today, and follow you more nearly today. Amen

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