Monday, November 16, 2015

Meditation on Psalm 89

Eternal Maker of all things, God of Abraham and David, the one who gives sure promises and whose passion to provide gifts is unchanging and trustworthy.   I will procliam and worship your great character and competence.  I will set forth that your commitment to your people is unchanging from one generation to another.  You are forever stable and committed to keeping your word and demonstrating your great merciful love towards your people.  

Reality is filled with great spiritual beings that all owe their existence to you and all of their wonder is nothing compared to you.  Your greatness great Creator and Redeemer is infinitely more profound thant the who wonder of all of these powers and principalities in the heavenly deminsion.  

You have crushed the proud spiritual forces that chose evil over your love.  All the nations in their rebellion you still rule, guiding even their rejection of you toward the purpose of building your kingdom.  Every thing in heaven and earth you have made for your own purposes.  Every aspect of the universe finds you as it necessary source and purpose.  You have all power.  Greater than our imagination of power. 

Yet this power without limits is focused by your good charter.  The Ruler of all things has a righeous and just character.  You are also filled with compassion, mercy, kindness, and keep your promises to help and save.  

Those who worship you have your favor and support.  When they recognize your greatness, goodness and grace the they are lifted up and your ability and mercy surround them on every side.  You are the defender of your people.  True, great, and loving eternal one you are our protector and provider.  May you be seen as awesome by all nations.  Amen

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